The first thing im going to respond to is the girls always changing their hair style. This is EXACTLY like America and the fashion world. The media, magazines, commericals and other things hook us to do this or that, change this to get attention and be loved. The truth is NOBODY GIVES A FRICK what you wear. You are just a sheep following the Shepard and then there is the little shepard dog( your own friends) that keep you wearing the same thing and being in fashion, but is this who YOU really are? You are just being the same and doing the same as everyone. Hollister, Aeropassss..... I dont even know who the hecck to spell it, AE, AF, Dicks (who in the world would want to wear something that says "DICKS"?) The Feed(media) is what keeps us wearing this shit.
The second response I would like to talk about is that Titus states that Quendy is the economy model of Calista. This TOTALLY reminds me of the movie Mean Girls the 3 that follow that one chick around and agree with EVERYTHING she thinks is right. They are just not at her status, they arent even true friends. They can't do anything for theirself.
Q:What is like on the moon? Why is it a popular destination for young people? A: The moon is a party place. The Cancoon of space. The moon was just a place to chill out on, but the very first sentence was "We went to the moon to have fun, but the moon turned out to completly suck" I know what they mean. Ive been to Rome, i thought Rome was going to be super cool, but it sucked, there was WAY too many people. You would take one step and BAM you hit someone, You would accidently bump into some one and BAM, AIDS, There was too many people. I havent been to cancoon, but im sure you would go to some hotel and then all of a sudden you would see 12061964981624981624 other people checking in at the same time. If i went on vacation i would go some where it is chill. How would you sleep with all the drunk people and crack heads doing lines? You wouldn't.

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