Thursday, May 28, 2009

Killing two birds with One Stone

The first question i would like to answer is question number nine. I would dress the same way. i wouldn't care if i was arrested. The girls wore their scarfs their own way. Even if they were scolded at they would fix it and then they would change it once the person yells at you. Maybe i wouldn't want to dress how i wanted now that i realized that i could go to jail, But this is just a question and in America we have the freedom of speech so i don't care.

The Second question I have to talk about is what was the role of women in Persepolis. The role of women in persepolis at first was to be like the modern american woman. Then later on the women were forced to wear the veil. This was taking their freedom away. The women in Marji's family were for the freedom. This goes back to the question about changing your apperance or if you would risk going to jail.

The Next question im going to address is question DOS(2) I think Persepolis is better written as a graphic novel. The other memiors i have read are The Things they Carried by Tim O'Brien and Running with Scissors by Augusten Burroughs. I feel that i enjoyed the memiors slighty more because i had the freedom to imagine, but i liked the graphic novel because I saw what the author WANTED me to see. So it was a Win-Lose deal. I didn't like Persepolis. I got bored with it, but it did humor me, not like a LOL moment but a HA that was funny ( in my brain moment) nothing special.

The next question i have to talk about is question 3. I HAD NO VIEWS on Iran. Except that Iran had oil, Crazy ass guys that made laws that only benefited them and that Iran was persia a super super super long time ago. I only knew that it was a country some where in thte middle east. My views are just the same. I knew that the countries in the Middle East were becoming hell and a the government was fucking over the women. Reading Persepolis only made this 1000 times Clearer.

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